I've closely examined my schedule and have come to the realization that between work, school and my internship, I barely have time for anything. Between trying to pencil in grocery shopping and playtime for the Pomeranian, I have decided that the only place in which I can find time is during the time that I have for sleep.
So, that means earlier mornings to make time for the gym and later nights to make time for homework and yoga.
I'm making it a point to make 2009 a year to remember and knock out all those resolutions I made - which reminds me, I don't think I've shared them. Maybe disclosing these "publicly" will help me stick to them. Besides, all of them are very realistic and there should be no reason for me to fail (other than laziness).
My parents say I lack self-discipline. I don't know that that's entirely true, but it's just their way of being politically correct (so as not to blame themselves - LOL), when they really want to say that they think I'm spoiled.
Eh. *shrugs* Anyway... I want to:
2. Make myself like Bikram Yoga (I like regular Yoga, but this stuff is like torture)
3. Take better care of myself.
*I'm not getting any younger and working nights and living in the desert is tough on my skin. So, this includes skin creams (yuck, but I'm beginning to need them), exercising regularly and eating better.
4. Quit smoking (I'm well on my way! Yay!)
5. Making and adhering to a schedule that will be beneficial for me, work, school and my internship.
6. Set short and long term goals and a plan to achieve them.
7. Stop being so hard on myself.
8. Watch more TV - yes, I said MORE.
9. Finally go back home (Hawaii) to visit.
10. Go see the Lion King at Mandalay when it opens, Criss Angel's Believe at the Luxor and the Phantom at the Venetian.
*Only problem with this is that these usually require a "date". I don't date - or rather I haven't been dating or on a date in a long, long while. I'm brave enough to hit the movies solo, but I don't know about going to a show. I've been dying to see these though. *ugh*
11. Get a social life.
*This is probably the most impossible of the lot. It seems like I have one, but trust me, looks are deceiving. I really don't.
Good luck me.
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