So last night, I decided that after all the hard work that I've done for the day, that I deserved a drink. (As if I needed an excuse psshhhh)
Anyway, I'm sitting with a coworker and we begin to talk about the characters that we work with - and trust me, there are quite a few. The diversity of the kind of people I work with is a testament to this city in general. Proof positive that people move here for sh*ts and g*ggles (just as I did) and to soul search all the time. (Or, we're just a bunch of glorified f*ck ups - LOL) <--- Can you say Epic Fail?
The people that I work with or have worked with in the Nightlife Industry include a motocross pro, a former MLB player, a Golf Pro, a certified Pornstar, a ski pro, a couple of actors, a screen writer, a NYSE broker, etc. The list goes on and on and on. So I guess after that conversation, I didn't feel too bad about myself - LOL. I been saying it, we need a reality show.
**Etc for the day**
B-real from Cypress Hill is off the shizzy live and I enjoyed his set. I am uberly (yes, another "ism" of mine) proud of myself for having two glasses of champagne in four hours and a total of two cigarettes (I'm determined to quit and am well on my way). My crazy a*s coworker got toasted off his as* last night. Anyway, this dumb friend/coworker of mine (and I am allowed to call him dumb cause what he did WAS dumb) is so drunk that he can't even stand up. He runs
I get a text this morning from my drunken fool of a friend,
"I hate you right now, you let some f*cker sucker punch me last night."
My response:
"Hey dumba*s, it was your fault and you probably deserved it. At least you didn't get arrested. Take it like a f*cking man."
"And that's why I love you b*tch."
True Story.
P.S. - I'm really not a b*tch. Around these parts, b*tch is a term of endearment. LOL.
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