I just think it's funny how we're all so darn nosey that we love to find out what's happening in other people's lives, even if it is just to keep in touch with old friends or for marketing purposes (both of which I am guilty of).
I mean it's kinda crazy that it'll tell you that so and so commented on such and such's status, and so and so wrote this and that to some other so and so, who is in a relationship that just got complicated, while some other so and so is on their way to the grocery store and then off to tan after going to the gym.
Next thing I know, my crackberry's going to tell me that someone on facebook went to take a piss while going through a divorce because they made the mistake of sleeping with a hooker and gambling away their life savings.
I think my benadryl just kicked in. G'night ~ ::PiNKSoX::
My friend TD and I were talking about that the other day. Too true.