I had a rough weekend. Probably one of the rougher ones that I've had in a while. Friday started with me wearing business attire to work (which never happens, I'm a jeans and t-shirt kinda girl). That should have gave me a clue that the weekend would be "outside the box". I ended up opting for a pencil skirt and blouse rather than the usual jeans and tee since I had a fresh and brand new tattoo on my left foot. The day went by quickly, I left the office, ate dinner on property* and headed to the club to work. Got off of work at 1230am and decided to head over to another local club. One of my homeboy's from the Bay (he's a marketing and talent freelance agent), had booked Tila Tequila and wanted me to come say hello. As tired as I was, I decided to get over there cause everytime Nate's in town I never get to hang out. I get to said nightclub and am amazingly tired and sober - a bad combination. I also was a little anxious as I hadn't been to this particular property since I was drugged (yes, I was drugged with GHB but not assaulted). Once I'm inside the club I head straight back to the VIP section where Nate is and the bouncer gives me a little bit of a hard time. I quickly learned that the reason the dude gave me a hard time was because Nate was actually at Tila's table. She's pretty cool, def down to earth in person and really tiny. I somehow thought she was a bit taller *shrugs* I hung out for a little while until a girl that was outside of the VIP section had tried to throw her drink at Tila, but ended up hitting me instead (I was standing directly in front of Tila). Fan-freaking-tastic. So, my wet back (and no, I'm not Mexican) caused my early departure.
Great indication of things to come...
To be continued...
Not many people can say they "took a bullet" for Tila Tequila. :)