I haven't blogged about anything in a minute... I've either been (1) slacking or (2) busy - it's honestly been a combination of both.
For all of the 3 people that follow this blog or have been anyway, I am happy to report that I am now living in Los Angeles part-time, Marina del Rey actually. I honestly like it there. It's strange going back and forth from city to city, but when I'm in LA, I feel like I have a somewhat normal life. I wake up and go get coffee and breakfast (or make it at home), head to get some work done, meet semi-normal people etc, etc. In bed sober by a decent hour.... Now, one might be thinking how in the world I can call the superficial City of Angels, "normal". Let's just say that in comparison to the party capital of the world - Vegas, it is most definitely normal. Especially when you work in the nightlife scene.
Partial anonimity is so awesome - allows me the opportunity to vent about the crazy sh*t in my life.
I've begun to accept the fact that either:
(1) all men are dirtbag idiots
(2) due to the fact that I work in the nightlife, all men think they can act like dirtbag jerk-offs
It is indeed most definitely a combination of both. Part of my job is to be a "fun" person. As one coworker so poignantly put it, we're not librarians. We wouldn't be doing what we're doing if we didn't have a grasp of the "party life." Now a lot of baggage comes with this, for both males and females. We meet A LOT of people all the time. It really is part of the job description to be able to be very social. And sometimes I think that the lines get blurred about what people begin to feel is an acceptable way to treat us, almost as if anything goes (well, more than what most people would be accustomed to in any situation).
No wonder I'm still single. It's so annoying when people ask me if I'm involved in a relationship and then upon hearing that I'm not, immediately default to, "Why?" Up until now, I had no way to answer that and now - I do. It's because:

(1) I haven't met the right person yet
(2) People I do meet are jerks, the ones who are decent have other issues and complexes or are just plain weird.
(3) The ones who aren't jerks are either:
(a) married
(b) engaged
(c) already involved in a serious relationship
(4) The ones who are single are way to overprotective, jealous, controlling and try to run my life, or tell me what I can and cannot do.
Believe me, some people get lonely and frustrated over being single... I, on the other hand, get frustrated not because I'm single, but because of all the baggage that has most recently come with it.
Even with the anonymity, I can't go into specific details, so you're going to have to get creative and think up your own story with the words found below.

Overnight bag Work Accidentally Clothes Left Athlete
Home Son Girlfriend Unwittingly No Clue Behind Jerk Father
Visit In-town Cheated Homerun
So yeah - I vented. Whoop Whoop for me. I' ve begun to think that I make really bad decisions when slightly inebriated, that I'm too naive for my own good and that I need to learn how to be more of an assertive b*tch instead of being such a nice person. I also need to learn to ask new people I meet if they are either involved with anyone, have any children with whom they are still seeing their baby's mama or are engaged or married. If I would have learned to do that awhile ago, I wouldn't be having any of these problems (which FYI, are much greater than the words listed above).
Ay Dios Mio! I'm probably going to go to hell and be the nicest person there. The worst part about all this is that I'm way to hard on myself. Regrettably I can't just laugh it off because in all honesty even though I was the one who got done wrong and the innocent party, I still feel bad.
The sad thing is that I'm beginning to think that these a*ses are making my physically abusive ex-boyfriend look good. Yes, it's that bad.
At least I'm not this guy - LOL.